Friday, April 07, 2006

mass destruction, idiots, God, Katrina

Whenever I see a city skyline at night, a chill runs up my spine. During 9/11, I was in HK, watching it on TV at night (the broadcast interrupted Weakest Link HK version), at the same time staring out of my future husband's apartment's window at the vast and calm and sparkly HK skyline. It was eerie, wondering why this was happening 12 time zones away, while right outside the window everything is still. I was waiting for a fireball to come hurling out of the sky. (The world is that small to me.) Which is what I wait for every time I see a city skyline at night, something bad to happen. Night time is darker to me than most.

Sometimes I imagine what if the Earth lost gravity and everything left the ground and we all die. I pretty much imagine daily what a nuclear bomb explosion will be like; you know, like will I be dead before I hear the rumble, will I feel my skin peel off, will it be a ball of fire like in "Terminator"? As you can imagine, I nightmare about airplane malfunctions. And these thoughts occur only at night, which is why I have a love-hate relationship with the night.

(Going on tangent now...)
I hate when people act like they know what God's thinking, including preachers. It's fine to say definite things or guess based on scripture, but no one knows what He's thinking really if it's not spelled out. Like when idiots say Katrina happened because God wanted to punish New Orleans. OK, we all know those people are idiots. But then some famous evangelist says God was so NOT punishing New Orleans, because if he were to punish, he'd do it to a place like Las Vegas first. Right? What? Are you stupid? Firstly, he can't make assumptions one way or another--maybe God was punishing, maybe not, how is he supposed to know?? Secondly, why is it that people always use logic to explain the metaphysical? How does he know there wasn't some crazy bad terrorist in New Orleans that God had to kill; conversely, how does he know there wasn't a couple of future Mother Teresa's in Las Vegas? Maybe something worse would've happened. Maybe He was getting our attention about compassion. Maybe something good will come out of it in 500 years. WHO KNOWS???


Justin said...

I noticed you gave "God" a big "G". Some might not be so generous.

knockoutgirl said...


Actually, I shouldn't say "logic," and I love logic, I should say "limited human knowledge." That's what I mean.

Marketing technique haha that's funny.