Monday, May 15, 2006

He can't die because...

GREY'S ANATOMY: *SPOLER ALERT* Burke! He can't die, he's my favorite character. Well, maybe tie with Meredith. Anyway, major drama, setting up for the 2-hour finale. They're all idiots. Izzy, Burke, Bailey (for letting Izzy oversee Denny), Cally, they all act stupidly and humanly. And Meredith... arr... SO SAD...

SURVIVOR: my favorite event of the TV season... 3-hour Survivor finale. It was a really nice reunion show because everyone was so positive for once. Not the usual hostility. I love Cerie and actually grew to like Aras and most other contestants, except for one--I don't want to be mean, but I just thought Tina was such a sore loser and trying to attack Cerie?? Jeff completely downplayed it too. And you know how people always look worse at the reunion show because they're all fat and wearing too much makeup? This season people looked pretty "normal" for a change. And what was up with Sally at the last tribal council? Her makeup was so bad, UGH... but it kind of looked like she was really sunburned on her face. But she was back to her cute self at reunion. Good save, Sally.

Movie pass:

March of the Penguins: gives you a whole new perspective on nature and life. Humans are so different from other animals in that they don't need to be taught a single thing, while we have to be shown everything.

Howl's Moving Castle: great and everything, but nothing tops Princess Mononoke in my book. (Although I'm gonna watch Spirited Away again soon to make sure.) The characters weren't particularly poignant. The first scene was totally channeling V for Vendetta??!! An identical scene... makes me suspect it was stolen from the comic book, it was so similar. But then again both films are based on books. Care to comment? Oh and I didn't fully understand the story. I should look it up.

Zathura: I found this nerve-wracking. If you don't like your nerves wracked, don't watch it. But otherwise... Dax (from Punk'd) as the hero? Didn't work for me. *SPOILER* And he's supposed to play Walter grown up? Couldn't they find someone with a tiny bit of resemblance? Actually, the story totally didn't make sense to me. It was so forced. So Walter grows up and goes back in time to change the past, yet the new young Walter doesn't make the same decisions as the old young Walter (without being influenced)? That doesn't make any sense.

And books...

Finally finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. I think it took me about 4 months. HAHAHA. Well, I think it's my all-time favorite book.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Re: Howl

I went to see this in the theater alone. I managed to catch the last showing in Hong Kong that was subtitled and not dubbed. Visually, it was great. The subject matter was quirky and interesting, and I once again enjoyed Miyazaki's humor and awesome imagination. What totally brings the movie down is lack of a storyline.

I think what determines whether one would like Princess Mononoke or Sprited Away more is the subject matter. PM is a serious drama, while SA is more light-hearted and more fantastic in a sense. Miyazaki let his imagination run a bit wild in SA (a good thing), and I think for PM he wanted to create an epic story with serious undertones. IMO its a tie. They are both brilliant.