Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ooh, my building has a door man, I must be rich. And a dick.

Thoughts on Dark Knight Rises before I read any reviews ***SPOILERS GALORE***

Things I liked:
-Anna Hathaway's character: her fight scenes, her apartment, her outfits, her hair, her mask.
-The subtle jokes (that perhaps are only found funny by me? At least seems that way in a HK theater).
-When the bats flew around as Bruce was about to jump.
-I was really happy for Bruce Wayne when, after losing all his money, he got to keep his house. So in other words, everything's awesome. And this means I have been living in HK for too long.
-No Katie Holmes.

Things I rolled my eyes at:
-Big plot hole: I don't think the rebel "citizens" (ie. criminals and some poor people) would willingly die by nuclear bomb, hello.
-I just hate fake deaths that are made to be very emotional. If you're gonna do a death that's obviously going to turn out to be fake just moments later (tip off: Anne Hathaway didn't attend the mini-funeral), don't have Alfred all devastated and the audience feeling bad -- and then go, just kidding! It's just a waste of time and feeling. (Worst offender: the Battlestar Galactica episode where everyone thinks Starbuck is dead and they spend a whole entire episode depressed and memorializing. But then of course, "Just kidding, why would we ever kill off Starbuck?")
-I'm surprised they didn't take the mask off of Bane (?) to reveal something scary, like they did with Harvey Dent.
-The whole thing felt mushed. It felt like eating mashed potatoes instead of a baked whole one, fully loaded, like the Dark Knight. And the whole thing felt gray.
-Fighting Bane. Not fun to watch.
-That the police would march timidly with no weapons into gunfire...what?
-So tired of movies that make reference to the world of finance vs. the Occupy movement.
-That portrait of Harvey Dent they keep holding up. Why is his face not centered in it? I just want to go in there and crop it so he's not crooked.

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