Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Gilmore Girls (spoiler)

Another nice episode of Gilmore Girls tonight. Many interesting developments! Zero discussion about Luke and Lorelai, but Logan and Rory suddenly broke up, Doyle and Paris broke up, Rory and Paris got back together (so to speak), Lane and Zach get engaged, and we learn that Christopher has parenting issues.

Today's quotes--

Lane: I think pictures make me look too Asian.
Lorelai: [confused] Ming Na has the same problem.

Paris (to Rory): You can sleep on my bed if you want, I've been sleeping at the crafts table lately.


ampligenic said...

Hey, I just realised it's exactly nine there now. An hour after you posted. So have you watched the Idol you taped to watch GG??

knockoutgirl said...

No I quit Idol after one episode after the "Hollywood" phase. But I taped Scrubs during Supernatural, so I'll have to watch that tomorrow (because after Supernatural I watched Miami Ink and now Oprah rerun). Ahhh busy schedule.

ampligenic said...

OK, I think Dr Cox has the best lines bar none. I also think Zach B is kind of cute. The two are not necessarily related.

knockoutgirl said...

Dr Cox definitely has the best lines, but Scrubs has so many hilarious moments that have no dialog involved, you just had to be there.

ampligenic said...

I love anything that involves the stuffed dog.