Monday, August 31, 2009

Sigh, ugh, fug

As I had anticipated, the most annoying thing about living near Lan Kwai Fong is totally alive and well... girls in tops-passed-off-as-dresses, so crotch-tastic. I'm so sick of crotches. Sluts in stripper shoes who aren't strippers - fine. Have bad taste. Perpetuate the cheap-ass, stupid, gold-digging, slutty, local HK girl image. I don't care. BUT as the fug girls would say: LOOK INTO PANTS. Ya know why I'm looking at you? It's not cos you're hot and I'm jealous. It's cos you're not wearing pants, in public. It's cos you're fug. Hm a pic should definitely be included in this post. I will look into that.
I really like this week's batch of Post Secrets.

In response to this one:

I say this all the time: the only things I learned from my university education is the answers to a lot of Jeopardy! questions.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I've been waiting...!!!

A year after completely scrapping a 500-page follow-up to “Eat, Pray, Love,” Elizabeth Gilbert’s mega-best-selling spiritual travelogue, she has delivered a new book that Viking will publish in January. Here for NYT article

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Kee Wah Bakery has rolled out an elaborate, captivating ad campaign for its bridal cakes which I am forced to watch in outrage at the MTR station. It features a pretty celebrity (apparently) looking aspirational and pure, since all marriagable females are virgins. She's not-so-subtly wearing white and holding a delicate bouquet no doubt crafted by a disgruntled, punky props person in the dingy backroom. The ad's design is modern and emotional. The man who's in it for a second looks hot.

This is the tagline: "Giving girls a home, that is marriage"

Aw. Sweet. Am I the only one who finds these ads SUPER SEXIST?! Seriously? Where's the uproar? Sigh.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

I really hate Nickelback

I'm not above mainstream music. It's what I listen to. But having left the US for well over 1 year now, when listening to radio streaming from Chicago, I still cringe when they play Nickelback. The lyrics, so cliche and horribly unpoetic. Check out this opening line that was just blasted into my ears: "My best friend gave me the best advice / He said each day's a gift and not a given right." Ugh. Deeper thoughts have been uttered in fortune cookies. And the raspy, ANGSTY voice is the same for every song. Like for these opening lines: "Look at this photograph / Every time I do it makes me laugh." Oh readers. The dude actually shouts these lines like he's about to jump off a cliff from the pain. And it pains me to hear it this CRAP NARRATIVE and rhyming of a 13 year old. Why does Nickelback exist? So wrong.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

More store display origami. This one is cool. Pearls and Cashmere at New World Centre. Really elaborately set up. It's art. I like.

Monday, August 03, 2009

This is not my best day ever.