Monday, August 31, 2009

Sigh, ugh, fug

As I had anticipated, the most annoying thing about living near Lan Kwai Fong is totally alive and well... girls in tops-passed-off-as-dresses, so crotch-tastic. I'm so sick of crotches. Sluts in stripper shoes who aren't strippers - fine. Have bad taste. Perpetuate the cheap-ass, stupid, gold-digging, slutty, local HK girl image. I don't care. BUT as the fug girls would say: LOOK INTO PANTS. Ya know why I'm looking at you? It's not cos you're hot and I'm jealous. It's cos you're not wearing pants, in public. It's cos you're fug. Hm a pic should definitely be included in this post. I will look into that.

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