Friday, June 15, 2007

How to Kill 2 Hours

I have been very bored in the past few days. Actually, bored out of my mind. I know, I'll be missing this relaxation when I get busy again. But right now I haven't been busy with work, don't have much social life, don't really have any craftsy projects in the works, and (again) lacking in the area of media entertainment...

Anyway. Very bored. Drove to downtown Evanston. Fed an hour into the meter. Found the origami book I wanted but decided I don't want it. Got distracted by Gap's "biggest sale" (or something) on the way to Dunkin' Donuts. Tried on dresses. Revelation! I do not fit Gap's size 0 dresses?! Wanted one of them (size 4) but it was only discounted by $10. Must pass. Looked at watch. Egads! Must feed meter. Walked back to meter to feed another hour. Walked back to Dunkin' Donuts. Used coupon. The owner/manager is mean but is only mean to me. I've only been there a few times but have tried things to see if they make him not mean but doesn't work. Now he hates me more because I use coupons HA! Got my small iced coffee in hazelnut flavor (they were out of chocolate flavor. Or maybe he just says that to me.). Went to Barnes & Noble and browsed. I love Hokusai prints. Checked to see if the magazine that's gonna have my origami stuff in it is out yet (it's not). Oh well.

Then I went home and listed about 10 books on ebay--which is the most boring, tedious, mind-numbing thing ever.


ampligenic said...

Your origami's gonna be in a magazine? Man, you are gonna be so famous.

btw, i presume u've heard esmee denters right? search for her name on youtube

knockoutgirl said...

i haven't heard of her. i think she would just be another person if she weren't so pretty...

now i want to make vids of myself singing pop songs!

Anonymous said...

hehe tt too bad i cant bum with u in evanston, we can kill each other in that 2 hours~ hee greetings from LA~ yea hahaha do those videos, i wana see u le!! hee tell me the mag too, i wana get one! sigh chai keeps grilling me, that's quite exhausting!