Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Unlike most Hong Kong people, I'm not a foodie. People here just never stop talking about food or eating it. Like today in the elevator, I was holding food and a maintenance guy making small talk asked if that was lunch of afternoon tea. Just because people here often eat afternoon tea. As well as midnight snack. In addition to the normal 3 meals. I just don't care much about food. As long as it's keeping me alive and possibly healthy, I'm good. When I'm in the US, I often forget to eat. But the thing about living in HK is there's so much good and cheap food, even I feel relatively obsessed with eating when I am here. I pretty much have the urge to go buy food all the time since I am in TST (where my temporary abode is located). Everything is like 1 block away. I find pure bliss in the oil of roast duck skin melting over my taste buds (saving the fattest piece for last). Or when I go to my mom's office and she has breakfast delivered. Hot milk tea with a wimpy sandwich--untoasted white bread with runny scrambled egg and a piece of ham slapped together. Or congee and fried dough for breakfast. And I make special trips to the supermarket for curry-flavor Calbee chips. Today I went out to a Macau cafe that comes highly recommended to buy a hot milk tea and a Portuguese egg tart (the tart was an impulse buy). There's no bliss like slowly devouring that. And knowing that it only cost HK$20.


ampligenic said...

agree abt hong congees' food obssession. however, those "tea restaurant" foods are really bad! i mean those bleached-white bread with ham sandwiches are the unhealthiest ever!

knockoutgirl said...

i KNNOOOWWW.... actually the same could be said of all the food I mentioned... seriously I feel sick now, just from having eaten that food for 1.5 weeks. I have to get back to juicing or sthg....