Monday, December 22, 2008

Glorious wares

I’ve been having fashion on my mind lately for the following reasons: 1) V.Li started a fashion blog that loves discussing two recurring fashion-related themes in my life: Marc Jacobs and Kate Moss; 2) I bought Lucky magazine’s Dec issue and Tim brought back the Jan issue, which never fails to inspire me to buy a crapload of stuff; 3) this particular winter in HK sees very wearable and cute fashion, namely the combo of riding boots, fancy tights, and mini skirts (top and outerwear styles are flexible), which makes me feel like I have to try extra hard to not be a jeans-and-tee wallflower.

Hence all the stuff I bought over the weekend, which must be chronicled! Too fabulous to be forgotten! This is them in order of purchase (I hope photos are to come):

1. Biker jacket, grey denim, DKNY, 60% off, I’m in love
2. Two of the same things that I can’t disclose because one is for V.Li, 66% off
3. Super amazing perfect little black minidress (pictured), French Connection, at least 60% off
4. Black knit top with craftsy embroidered crown and FC logo, French Connection, 50% off
5. Black short pleated preppy skirt with buckle, French Connection, around 40% off
6. Small blue shoulder bag with thin knotted strap, H&M, cheap

Still no black moccasin boots. I’m also coveting riding boots but the selection overwhelms me.

1 comment:

ampligenic said...

Aww, gee thanks! Shucks I haven't bought you (or anyone) anything, I've been too sick to go shopping. Sorry...

I have to remind myself that good health is more important than good wares!