Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"No, I can't go into a movie that's already started, because I'm anal."

There are four movies I rented as a teenager because my mom told me to. OK. It's totally weird. An early teen should not be watching these movies, really. I only understood one of them.

1. Annie Hall
The two things I remembered for years to come about this movie are the lobster scene and her famous outfit.

2. Moonstruck
I was about 15 at the time. Hmm. "Love don’t make things nice – it ruins everything. It breaks your heart. It makes things a mess. We aren’t here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us! We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and die. The storybooks are bullshit."

3. Wallstreet
An ominous sign that I was destined have a worse-than-average understanding of finance and business.

4. Broadcast News
The only one I understood. Another sign of destiny, really! Well I also watched this one when I was older, like 19.

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