Monday, February 01, 2010

Suddenly it's February (but of course).

I really should be getting work done right now, but I really wanted to make a list of my 10 favorite movies of the decade before it's suddenly July. Which might be thought of as a lame reason for skipping lunch, but that's exactly what I'm doing now. Funny thing is, I quickly wrote down four movies just off the top of my head:

-Kill Bill Vol. 2
-In Bruges
-Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
-The Departed

The phrase "off the top of my head" is rather apt, seeing as how these four movies all feature a lot of gratuitous violence (and rambly dialogue). Well OK, I would describe it as "hilarious violence," but that's because I have a warped mind.

Then with the top off, I decided to dig deeper into my brain's archives of pleasurable movie experiences, as well as take a quick look online to check what movies came out over the decade, just to make sure I didn't forget ones from earlier on. Here's what I have in no particular order (warning: I am lowbrow): M:I:3, X2, Waitress, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Gladiator, Amelie, all three Bourne movies, Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Star Trek, Casino Royale, Atonement, Catch Me If You Can. It surprised me that Amelie only came out in the noughties! And I must note that I haven't seen many movies that would be classified as late 2009. Anyway... by no means definitive and final, but my 10 Favorite Movies of the Decade:

1. Kill Bill Vol. 2
2. Amelie
3. In Bruges
4. Lost in Translation
5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
6. The Departed
7. Waitress
8. A Very Long Engagement
9. The Dark Knight
10. Catch Me If You Can

Honorable Mention for most played DVD: Mean Girls (half-kidding... a small half)

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