Tuesday, August 09, 2011

What the heck is wrong with

TVB Pearl's Chris Gelken? Why does he talk like Professor Snape? Except much more menacing. Sneering and enunciating each British syllable like he's sick and tired of delivering the freaking news all the time. Absolute worst news reader, imho, because he has these annoying, sardonic, patronizing head twitches and lip purses. Gelken in action:

Snape in action:


ampligenic said...


a) I promise you his enunciation has nothing to do with being British.
b) Maybe you just don't like Alan Rickman (who, btw, always talks like that?!).

knockoutgirl said...

The vid is pretty unrepresentative of the way he talks, right? Because he normally talks so SLOWLY... it's WEIRD man!!! But couldn't find better vid.

Chris Gelken said...

Have absolutely no problem being compared to Alan Rickman, in fact, consider it quite the compliment! You really are too kind!