Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I love Logan (again)

No, not THAT Logan. I still can't stand Gilmore Girls' Logan. I love Veronica Mars' Logan.

SO TONIGHT (well, last night technically), two season finales!!

Gilmore Girls: totally predictable! They showed it all in the preview! Not a single interesting thing! **SPOILER ALERT** Okay, the very last 30 seconds was kinda an OMG moment, but I mean, we saw it coming! And I'm kinda GLAD Lorelai slept with Christopher. Dude, Luke has been so annoying and arrr WRONG... how can the writers so thoroughly kill a character, my dream 40-year-old disgruntled stubbled backwards-cap flannel-shirt man. So there you have it. Lorelai and Christopher. Christopher has been a totally stand-up guy this season, so there's really nothing to be unhappy about here. Luke needs to work through his lame crap before he should be allowed to marry Lorelai anyway! Geez... And Rory and Logan, their whole storyline was not worth a mention. Bring back Jess!

AND... OK, Gilmore Girls is only gonna have one more season. The bad news is the writers/creators are leaving. This is so not good, because the whole show is based on the dialog. I don't want to be too pessimistic beforehand, so I'm just hoping they're able to maintain the same Gilmore Girls.

Veronica Mars: OMG. Never disappointing, always riveting, Veronica Mars outdoes itself. I LOVE THIS SHOW, and everyone NOT watching it is sooo missing out on this smart entertaining funny realistic-high-school suspenseful thrilling show!! (Steve: it's more riveting than 24.) WELL, the season finale of course reveals the mystery starting from the first episode. This season's first episode was DA BOMB (school bus goes down a cliff and everyone dies--except the rich kids who were riding a limo). And every episode after basically examines people as suspects for the murder(s), and in the finale (tonight), Veronica figures out who the killer is, while escaping the killer's murderous rampage. I didn't guess the killer would be Beaver, but then again I didn't really line up every character and analyze. Then the plane exploding right above them, that was really cool/unexpected, but I was 100% sure Keith wasn't on the plane, was anyone actually fooled? If that was gonna be Keith's death, they would've made it much more dramatic, like showing him on the plane having a conversation with Veronica. But Veronica's reaction was Emmy-winning! And Logan saves the Veronica again... and with his little drunken speech from last week's episode... he rocks.

The absolute best thing about this show is Kristen Bell, who plays Veronica. Her acting, amazing, out of this world. And Logan, he, again, was great tonight, and I love him again. And this is exactly why he's a good actor! One moment I hate him, the next moment I love him again. For example, I never liked or disliked Duncan, who was also one of Veronica's fidgety boyfriends. And Leo, I couldn't even recognize him out of all the guys in cop uniforms (not to mention how sketchy it was that Veronica as a junior in high school was dating a cop). But with Logan, he does that thing where you make small movements with your facial muscles to show emotions--oh right, ACTING. This isn't a character issue, it's the actors, Logan is just better. I'm happy they are back together.


ampligenic said...

lately to escape reality (doesn't that say something about the nature of the show?). Know what I noticed? However cuddly, warming, "everything's gonnna be alright" any episode is, the part I most enjoy is when the theme song comes on in the beginning... ai I'm pathetic. Like, all those images of Lorelai and Rory and the song... makes me feel that maybe just for a few fleeting moments life can be that cosy and simple and *ahem* burgundy.

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