Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cool pic of my flowers in Tiffany

from Cecilia in NYC. There's nothing like this in Chicago. Love it.


ampligenic said...

Arhh I really will try my best to get those in london... as i know no one else u know lives here...

Anonymous said...

haha it's so cool tt, it's like now, everyone from all over the world is trying to get pics of urs for u! haha inter-connectivity!

new york
hong kong
los angeles
haha who else?

knockoutgirl said...

las vegas!

btw, v.li, my mom pointed out that these are "mother's day" displays so I guess it will last until about a few days after mother's day. pls don't be upset if you miss it!

knockoutgirl said...

oh and boston for sure

Anonymous said...

haha would be cool to mobilize somebd from somewhere afar.. like.. ICELAND

knockoutgirl said...

hmm well, there aren't that many tiffanys outside of USA and Japan. The most remote (from my friends) are probably Brazil, Guam (hey hey), kuala lumpur...