Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It's been a crazy week. Been a bit overwhelmed. Frustrated. Confused. Same old. Not much to blog about until I decide that I'm feeling crazy enough. Like right now! Been doing job search stuff. Not gonna go into the details, but if I accept this one offer I got I'll be starting work on Monday. My experience so far has been one of speed-hiring. It's weird!!!

I went to an interview yesterday and was asked to write a writing sample on anything I wanted as deemed appropriate for the publication. It's actually an online "lifestyle" magazine that's all very upscale. Oh hmm. Seriously I'm not big on luxury. Like they have articles on there about gallery openings, new spas, fancy cell phones, latest bling, and a possible overuse of the word "glitteratti." I was really racking my brain of how to complete this assignment, which I now saw as some kind of challenge, except part of me wanted to just tell them Hey you know what I can't come up with a single topic so I think that means this job isn't for me. Well I dunno, I'd been stressing about this all last night, and this morning I flip through this other magazine and voila, there's a Picasso exhibit going on right now until mid-July that hasn't been covered by the site. I deemed it just snooty enough. I figured I better actually see the exhibit to write about it, so I made my way to HKU, which I realized is less than 10 min by bus then about 4 blocks on foot. The set of Picasso prints, called "The Vollard Suite," was amazing. First off, I love prints and printmaking. I keep wanting to make prints just for fun (but seem to never get around to it). And it's a set of 100 prints that have a few themes, and some of them tell "stories"... SO COOL. And beautiful. I never really thought of Picasso as beautiful, but these prints are beautiful.

This is probably the most significant one. Most of the prints feature Picasso himself. In a whole bunch of them, he depicts himself as a Minotaur. This one is called Blind Minotaur Guided by a Girl in the Night, in which the artist depicts himself as blind and helpless, following a girl holding a dove:

And this is another awesome Minotaur one:
Lots of them have much lighter themes than these, but I guess no one's really into those happier ones since I couldn't find many images of them online.

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