Thursday, June 12, 2008


I've been sleeping like crap, not because of caffeination or sleeping during the day, it's just plain-old insomnia for no particular reason other than stress, existential crises, etc. So there've been more interesting developments on the job-hunting front, but I'll blog about that around the weekend, once I've accepted that offer.

There's this ad campaign that I've seen in the MTR that features origami rabbits. The rabbits are really cute and attracted my attention, since I used to deal with lots of origami-themed campaigns. However, I never had a clue what the ads were for, even after staring at the rabbits every time I walk by them. So this might be a failing of the campaign. Today I decided to take pictures, and I finally know what they're all about. They seem to be a joint campaign between the Olympics organization and the MTR, promoting good behavior in the MTR, such as no pushing, no eating/drinking (which is illegal anyway), and offering your seat to the elderly. They also have a rabbit mascot for this campaign. My obvious question is why a rabbit. Secondly, why origami? This is all very confounding. But still love the origami:

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