Well anyway. While I find a lot of the things she writes on there awkward, if not questionable, the recipes she posts look and sound seriously good and, best of all, easy. I finally tried the eggplant parmesan recipe for knockout dad's birthday and it was perfection. Yummy, pretty, vegetarian and not too unhealthy.
Wow, is that pic of everything u cooked for ur dad's b'day? U're a pro!
If you ever come across a copy of Vanity Fair, PLS read a section they have called Gwyneth Paltrow's diary or something. I dunno if it's every month but this month it was f'in hilarious (makes fun of goop, layout like goop and uses the same kind of lofty pretentious language that she uses).
that was just the "during" picture of the eggplant parmesan. i only cooked one dish... everyone cooked one thing, basically.
LOL about Vanity Fair! What? They would do that? Don't they ever want her on the cover again?
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