Sunday, September 13, 2009

US$200 vs. US$8 (or yeah for cheap labor)

Have a wedding to go to tomorrow, a family one. I've noticed that I frequently have a problem in wedding pictures, which is that my hair looks like shit. Instead of making a hair appointment, I decided to get a way-over-the-top headband and that'll make up for everything else. Got a headband but then decided I don't have a dress that goes with an over-the-top headband, because the dress needs to be simple/solid color, so got a dress at H&M that I'm in love with. I was totally inspired by this website/store called

Theirs, US$200:
Mine, HK$62 (US$8) from Sheung Wan:
Yeah theirs is nicer but imho not 25 times nicer :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hehe u look stunning tt!!