Thursday, October 01, 2009

Come Rescue Me

Finally! Got Marie's new album Breathing Underwater. But the first one was so much more to my liking.

The first album was a lot of piano and acoustic guitar. She went pop with this one. Which is fine, I love pop. But it doesn't work with her voice, in my opinion. It overwhelms her voice. Most disappointingly, her awesome youtube original songs were excluded. Wish she'd do a cover album though.

That said, my favorite songs (I think) are, in this order: Overboard, Avalanche, Breathing Underwater

Can't seem to get enough of Overboard. It makes me want to sing, scream, laugh, cry, dance... but mostly sing.

1 comment:

ampligenic said...

Hmm I think i prefer Breathing Underwater to Overboard

I also like the chorus of Come to Life. But I feel overall the album sounds too similar (i don't have it)