Monday, May 19, 2008

"strange but special"

Hmm so the first public video I've made in forever. It's what I auditioned with for B&B ("Home"), except of course they didn't let me finish it. I'd've done it standing up and everything but there wasn't a single place for my camera except the patio table my computer's on. Um you know what's weird? All the videos on YouTube with people singing in the bathroom, because of the acoustics. I mean I'd find it pretty embarrassing to have videos shot in the bathroom. Since my apartment is almost empty (hardly any furniture yet) and non-carpeted, the sound bounces off everything, so no taping in the bathroom for me. Belle sings this song to herself after the Beast has forced her to stay in the castle with him. It's a sad song, but Belle's a fighter. The lyrics are... somewhat appropriate.

I'll say it: I don't suck in this video (but could be better--I especially dislike the beginning).

Happy birthday Tim, the person who actually makes mp3 files out of my super crappalicious videos to listen to them.

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