Monday, June 16, 2008

Job(s) / Mags

I am starting my new job on Wednesday. I will be Editor of a magazine. I just hope I like it. Is that asking too much?

I love journalism. I love producing publications. I'm a control freak. I better like it.

I have also been asked to freelance for this other "magazine," the online one that I blogged about previously, the one for which I wrote about Picasso. The editor-in-chief, who interviewed me, also happened to go to Northwestern, and it was funny (to me) because I am guessing she is actually younger than me, but she kept evading the topic (of age) probably to avoid awkwardness of me being interviewed by an alum who is younger. But anyway she liked my Picasso piece and bought it but the best part is I get to not have a life as I work one full-time job and also spend every moment of free time freelancing.

Side note. Let me preface by saying I don't know a whole lot about the magazines published in HK, which I guess is bad. Today I was at the doctor's office (I KNOW, ailing again! This city is not agreeing with me) and there was a hefty, glossy magazine called "Hong Kong Tatler", subtitled "The Spirit of High Society". WTF?! Where do they find a market for this... stuff? The whole thing consists of luxury-brand ads, luxury lifestyle content, and photos photos and more photos of rich people at events.

(There was also a magazine called "Muse", which I've been wanting to subscribe to, although it's quite like the magazines I work for, except it only covers the arts scene and has a few very serious features in each issue.)

1 comment:

ampligenic said...

Yes! I think the "Hong Kong Tatler" (ugh) is horrible. It's like a hk version of People.

Can you PLEASE tell me which magazine u're the editor of? Please let me read a few of ur articles. Pleeease.