"Vanessa, I am so, totally convinced about this. (Well you know me, I am hyper.) We should host a radio show. It'd be so easy. Let's just have a show where we simultaneously discuss/slag off pop culture (both US and HK "culture") OR a girls' show that's like gofugyourself but in audio. (Okay that's hard cuz discussing fashion w/out pictures is hard, but maybe we can slag off HK's ppl obssession with labels and getting the latest gadgets like iPhones or something). WE SHOULD DO THIS. We have a moral duty. It would be our call.
Argh I so want us to have a radio show right now."
(And this conversation went on and on. This is just the beginning of how we will be famous or infamous or just lame!)
1 comment:
Let's send a demo (as you said) to RTHK. They have no English podcasts:
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