Friday, August 22, 2008

Shut up

First thing I can't stand about the Olympics coverage: the use of the term "country team" or "national team" in Chinese ("Gwok Ga Dui") - even on the news. It's so dogmatically patriotic and ignorant-sounding. UGH. It's as if the Chinese team's name is "Country" not "China." Just feel like they are shoving it down my throat.

Thing I miss most about good ol' NBC Olympics coverage: the super cheesey montages about the athletes. Every single one is a tear-jerker. And I miss American gymnastics, which they don't cover extensively here since they're so busy with China being the greatest country in the world.

Second thing I can't stand about the Olympics coverage:

"Liu Xiang couldn't run, China is heartbroken." W T F ? For reals? This is, like, irresponsible headline writing. Although this sentiment has been reiterated ad nauseum, which I find to be total BS, what does one celebrity athlete's performance have to do with the psyche of a country of over 1 billion? And don't go around telling me how to feel with a sweeping statement. What about the 40+ gold medals? Suddenly no one cares that "China is the best country in the world!" because one dude can't run? Everyone had been made aware that he was injured! Helloo?

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