Yup I AM excited about the Olympics. Slightly. Except unfortunately I am sitting in a cubicle on Friday evening, waiting for the opening ceremony to start at 8 p.m. before I can actually leave for the bar (long story). I might go shopping (read: kill an hour at HMV).
At least I have a really high cubicle. I think I have the best cubicle in the office. My boss and the company owner have offices with doors, but as far as cubes go, mine's the best because it's one of only 3 high-walled ones in the office. As in, the walls are a lot taller than me. All the others are really low, and the designers have no cubes at all. And the reason it's the best high cube is because one of the other high cubes is laid out in a way where people can see the person when they walk by (whereas no one can see me unless they actually step into my cube), while the third high cube sucks because TWO people share it, AND it's next to the pantry (which I always find sketchy considering the prevalence of cockroaches in HK). OMG that is so crappy.
Ooh but I'm a little excited because this super expensive cosmetics company sent me (actually the previous Editor) like HK$2500 worth of face stuff for no reason other than a glimmer of hope that I'd write about them. Like a good employee, as stipulated in my contract, I handed it over to my boss, who said I could keep it. Yays!
Something I came across at work while going through the hundreds of product pics those companies send me... Chanel, love, love, love this:
If you're gonna use your iPod, try listening to this: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=277829374
--good preparation for us.
oops it's actually ...MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=277829374.
btw we cld so kick their asses!
I thought abt ur idea re renting another podcast's studio though. however, one question haunted me.
how on earth are we gonna pay for $3000/hr or whatever without having ANY sponsors???
huh? it costs that much? isn't that a bit high for just renting what is essentially a space that's alraedy set up?
I think we can just find an ultra quiet place and do it. keh keh.
oops oops, sorry, you are so right. my bad. my brain had trouble converting USD to HKD last night... I read somewhere it costs abt $200 US/hr, so if it's the same here that's under $2000 for us. But STILL a lot... dunno what ya think.
haha i will be no. 1 fan to ur station! haha leme host u a subscription drive!
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