Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I like living in my own little world, but I get overly lonely, so I try to venture out but feel massive anxiety and miss living in my own little world, and the cycle goes on. This is just the way I am, I do not choose it and would never choose it. I can't help that I am Scarlett Johansson's Charlotte. I hate that I feel immense loneliness but also immense alienation when surrounded by people. (V.Li, this is why I so agree with the quote in ur previous comment.)

Research shows that keeping a journal helps just as much as seeing a shrink. If so, shrinks must not help at all.


Justin said...

I occasionally live in my own little world. Its called videogames.

knockoutgirl said...

I could say that my own little world is crafting--and I think obsessed crafters are very unhealthy. But in reality, I live in my own little world much more frequently than that... I am Amelie.